- Voorraad: Op voorraad
- Artikelnummer: High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography
High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography for the Analysis of Medicinal Plants
Author: Eike Reich, Anne Schibli
ISBN: 9783131416018
Hardcover, 280 pages
- Focuses on the TLC analysis of herbal products
- Discusses typical applications in herbal analysis and guides you through each step of the interpretation process
- With an additional schematic for integrating TLC testing into a lab
From the content:
The ultimate guide to using HPTLCfor the identification of botanicalmaterials and products
High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography for the Analysis of Medicinal Plants presents the theoretical and technical information needed to perform reliable and reproducible high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) to establish the identity, purity, quality, and stability of raw materials, extracts, and finished botanical products.
The text provides a complete overview of the techniques and common applications of HPTLC in herbal analysis. It will help the analyst answer questions such as: Am I paying for a high-quality material, but getting a cheap adulterant? Is this raw material worth its price? Does this product comply with the claim on its label? Has the composition of this product changed after being on the shelf for more than a year?
- Practical examples provided by renowned experts help the reader gain a firm understanding of HPTLC methodology
- More than 300 full-color illustrations aid comprehension of complex concepts
- Easy-to-reference text boxes provide summaries of key information- ideal for rapid review
- Discussion of the development and validation of new HPTLC methods High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography for the Analysis of Medicinal Plants is essential for analysts, quality assurance professionals, and regulators seeking a comprehensive text on how to use HPTLC to determine whether botanicals comply with current good manufacturing practices. It will also benefit students in pharmacognosy, phytopharmacy, pharmaceutical biology, and analytical chemistry programs.