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- Artikelnummer: Kampo Treatment for Climacteric Disorders
- SKU: kampo.jpg
Kampo Treatment for Climacteric DisordersBy (author) Yoshiharu Shibata By (author) Jean Wu Trade paperback book 265 pages, 710.00 x null ISBN 9780912111513Extended Description 2A Reader's Review For those of us who knew Dr. Shibata, we are grateful to have anything of his vast knowledge of botanical medicine recorded. He was without doubt one of the great masters of modern times. The theoretical structure of Kampo does not yield easily to didactic instruction, and Jean Wu has done a superb job of making it clear to the practitioner or student of oriental medicine. Everything in the book is of practical value. Everything that requires explanation is well explained. Her language is concise and also readily accessible to the conventionally-trained health care practitioner. The importance of Kampo as a method of east Asian clinical phytotherapy has not yet been fully appreciated. I believe that as more oriental practitioners gain clinical experience, appreciation of this treasure chest of insight from many generations of Japanese clinical masters will grow. This book is a good example of how it should be presented. Hopefully, future work in the explication of Kampo will ahere to similar standards of precision and clarity. Dan Kenner (Note to readers: Dan is the co-author of Botanical Medicine which can be examined at this site) Main DescriptionThis text presents a modern method of administration of classical Chinese herbal formulas that is known as Kampo, one of the oldest medical traditions of Japan. Having a history of effectiveness when administered for chronic degenerative conditions and aging-related diseases, it is among the most commonly prescribed therapies for menopausal complaints. Properly administered, Kampo medicines cause few adverse reactions and can be confidently prescribed for long-term administration. In the West, Kampo is most often encountered in preparations marketed as powdered or granulated formulas, although tablets and individual herb granulations are becoming increasingly available. Even where highly sophisticated pharmaceuticals are generally available, Kampo's popularity has grown, specifically because of its efficacy. Part One provides historical and background information and an overview of applications of Kampo within the framework of modern medicine. Part Two sets forth the rudiments of Kampo practice, from diagnosis (including techniques of abdominal palpation and pattern identification) to issues surrounding treatment and evaluation. Part Three presents Kampo treatment for climacteric disorders. Each of the eight chapters in this section focuses on one aspect of common problems affecting perimenopausal women. A special feature is the quick-reference table that accompanies each chapter, designed to facilitate the identification of appropriate remedies. Part Four provides a compendium of formulas with information regarding composition, pattern, signs and symptoms, applications, and further notes on usage or contraindications.