
Chinese Gynecologie

Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: menopause
Behandlung von Menopause und klimakterischen Beschwerden Barbara Kirschbaum / Stefan Engelert / Christine Gabriel, ISBN 978-3-87569-212-9  2013   152 Seiten Behandlung von Menopause und Klimakterischen Beschwerden mit Traditioneller Chinesischer Medizin Im zweite..
Excl. BTW:€36,79
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: Curing PMS Naturally with Chinese Medicine
Curing PMS Naturally with Chinese Medicine, ISBN: 0-936185-85-6,  AUTHOR: Flaws, Bob, EDITOR: Wolfe, Honora L. 176 pages Description This book is part of Blue Poppy Press’s very popular series, 'Curing Naturally with Chinese Medicine.' Like all the other books in this series, this book was wri..
Excl. BTW:€18,30
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: Current Therapy in Obstetrics and Gynecology 5th
Current Therapy in Obstetrics and Gynecology 5th Author: Edward J. Quilligan & Frederick P. Zuspan ISBN: 9780721675794 Hardcover, 538 pages   The 5th Edition of a popular collection of short articles summarizes clinical therapy on specific topics in obstetrics and gynecology. This edi..
Excl. BTW:€47,12
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: geb
Geburtshilfe integrativ: Konventionelle und komplementäre Therapie  by Ingrid Gerhard (Herausgeber), Axel Feige (Herausgeber), Susanne Adler (Fotograf) ISBN: 3437565109 Ein völlig neues Buchkonzept: Erstmals werden konventionelle und komplementäre Therapieansätze praxisorientiert nebenei..
Excl. BTW:€29,00
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: gyne
Gynecology in Chinese Medicine by You Zhao-ling, Jane Lyttleton, Xiao Ping (Editor) Publisher ‏ : ‎ People's Medical Publishing House, Co. Ltd; 1st edition (30 July 2014) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 746 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 7117199741 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-7117199742   ..
Excl. BTW:€81,00
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: Chinese-English Bilingual Textbooks - Gynecology of T.C.M.
Chinese-English Bilingual Textbooks for International Students of Chinese TCM Institutions - Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine Author: Tan Yong ISBN: 9787117087063 Paperback, 462 pages   Language English & Chinese , Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, one book in the ..
Excl. BTW:€30,14
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: Increasing IVF Success with Acupuncture
Increasing IVF Success with Acupuncture An Integrated Approach Author: Nick Dalton-Brewer ISBN: 9781848192188 Paperback, 192 pages   This practical book provides need-to-know information vital for acupuncturists to treat patients with fertility..
Excl. BTW:€23,87
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: Kinderwunsch-Ratgeber Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin
Kinderwunsch-Ratgeber Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Natürlich schwanger – wie Sie mit Hilfe der TCM die Chancen auf ein Kind verbessern! Author: Andreas A. Noll ISBN: 9783875692228 Paperback, 96 pages   Die Wirksamkeit der chinesischen Medizin bei unerfülltem Kinderw..
Excl. BTW:€10,33
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: Pregnancy and Childbirth
Pregnancy and Childbirth, 1st Edition A holistic approach to massage and bodywork Author: S  Yates   ISBN: 9780702030550 Paperback, 440 pages   Pregnancy and childbirth brings together, for the first time, western and eastern approaches providing a..
Excl. BTW:€39,58
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: Patterns and Treatment in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Qian Bo-xuan's Patterns and Treatment in Gynecology and Obstetrics Author: Qian Bo-xuan & Li Pei-huan ISBN: 9787117113519 Paperback, 196 pages   This book discusses 54 of the most common female disorders and presents their etiologies, signs and symptoms, treatment principles, formul..
Excl. BTW:€27,31
Voorraad: Op voorraad Artikelnummer: studies
TCM Case Studies: Gynecology Lei Lei; Misha Ruth Cohen  ISBN 13: 9787117198974 This book discusses nearly 40 common gynecological conditions associated with menstruation, pregnancy, vaginal discharge, post-partum conditions, abnormal bleeding, and other miscellaneous gynecological condi..
Excl. BTW:€55,00
Voorraad: Niet in voorraad Artikelnummer: The Essential Woman
The Essential Woman Female Health & Fertility in Chinese Classical Texts Author: Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée ISBN: 9781872468334 Paperback, 145 pages   An understanding of women’s health is essential to modern Chinese medical practice, yet it has rarely been studied from the cl..
Excl. BTW:€14,10
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